Related Videos - Spirit
What is the wisdom behind using the word “spirit” instead of “prophet” in 1 John 4:1? (2/2)
Description: In 1 John 4:1, it says that people must not believe in every spirit and must try them. Why didn’t John use the word “prophets” in place of “spirits” as it was used in the latter part of the verse? What is the link or relationship between prophets and spirits? How will a man know […] Watch
Does a baby inside a mother’s womb already have a spirit?
Description: Does a baby who is still inside a mother’s womb already have a spirit? Is it possible for a man, even before he came into existence in his mother’s womb, to have a spirit? Who are the people in the Bible who already had spirits even before their inception? Watch
What are those things that are under the earth, as it is written in Philippians 2:10?
Description: What is the place described in the Bible as “under the earth”? What things or creatures can be found in that area? Why were they sent to such place? Watch
What is the wisdom behind using the word “spirit” instead of “prophet” in 1 John 4:1? (1/2)
Description: In 1 John 4:1, it says that people must not believe in every spirit and must try them. Why didn’t John use the word “prophets” in place of “spirits” as it was used in the latter part of the verse? What is the link or relationship between prophets and spirits? How will a man know […] Watch